Also I know this image is horrible, I think it may be time for a new scanner...but you get the idea!
I had originally planed on doing this last night but time got away from us and it was so late that I couldn't do it, I had to go to bed! So as Mr. K was running out the door this morning I put all the names in a bowl and he picked the two winners!
And they are...
Congratulations to Marie W at My Expected End and Jus and Kat from In Dylan's Memory!
Please e-mail me at ka_hall at att dot net so we can work out what you want in your frames and I can get them in the mail to each of you ASAP!
Also I wanted to say a Big Thank you to everyone that commented yesterday, it was so nice to get on and read all of your wonderful comments! And it made me realize how important commenting is and how good it makes you feel! For a long time now I have "lurked" at many of your blogs and not commented but after yesterday I'm going to do my best to stop lurking!
Make sure to swing in Our Lives Forever Changed today and see what Susan is giving away!
So I have vowed to immerse myself in the planning and prepping and to think happy, Very HAPPY, thoughts!
She likes to watch TV
But not commercials!
And she loves to sleep just like this! Doesn't that look comfortable? And even with the storm we had last night she slept the whole night for the very first time! Granted she was awake at 6am, but that was a lot better than 2am!
And I promise I will do my best to blog about things other than Maggie but right now there is not a lot going on! Hope everyone has a great weekend! It finally feels like fall here and I am super EXCITED, too bad Mr. K is working this weekend!
Monica's turned out a lot better then mine but I still enjoyed making them and they were just perfect for the girls Birthday!
If I did not mention it before I really had a wonderful day with my friends and family and I am so thankful for all of you! And all of your support, it means the world to the both Mr.K and I!