I can not believe my little guy was 2 months old on Sunday! How is that possible? Where has the time gone? Oh yah a lot of it is spent with me just sitting and staring at him! I still can't believe he is ours! I am just so in love! I thought I would share a little about how he got here...better late than never right?
Dr. R had made arrangements for me to be induced and have my cerclage removed on Sunday, July 24th because he was on call that night.
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Me and Mr.K's Count Down Clock! |
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My Mom and I just before we left for the hospital! |
We got to the hospital and settled in to a new room (we were originally assigned the room I delivered The Girls in so in tears I asked for a new room and the nurses were so nice and understanding and not only did we get to change rooms but we got a VIP room!!)
Shortly after they hooked me up to the monitors we learned that I was having contractions every 4 or 5 minutes and I had no clue! Dr. R came in and took out my cerclage around 9:00pm. I was not at all prepared for the pain/discomfort of that!! But when it was out he said things looked good, that I was about 4cm and he suspected little man would arrive some time after midnight and that he would see us then too. Yippee!
But midnight came and went! Then 3am came and went! Dr.R calling every hour or so for updates. Then at 7am, after Dr.R had delivered 3 other babies and done 2 c-sections, he came to check my progress (or lack of) for himself! I had made it to 6/7cm but my water still had not broken! So after some decission we all agreed braking it would be best. This is when I actually started feeling the contractions and they went from "oh I feel them now"(7am) to"Oh I can do this"(9am) to "Oh MY GOODNESS this is intense" (11am)! This is when I asked for the epidural, I'm not sure everything that went on t that point but I do know there was some trouble placing it but they finally got it rightand when everyone came back in the said I was a whole new person.
Some where around 2pm Dr.R came back and after a quick check said it was time to push! YAY! To this dismay of the nurse, he sat down next to me and watched the monitors while I pushed, apparently this isn't normal and it made my nurse pretty uncomfortable...but she got over it! After about an hour and a half of pushing and numerous checks from Dr. R and the nurse they determined that a) I was not making enough progress and b) Little man was posterior and a c-section was necessary. Bummer!
Turns out Little Mans head was stuck in my, apparently small, pelvis...he had a bit of a cone head. The OR nurses all commented on it and it made me cry even more than I already was! It was so unbelievable when Dr. R moved him around the curtain and I saw him for the first time!
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It was such an unbelievable moment. I was so in love before he even arrived and then it was like the whole world just stood still.
Our First Family Picture...

Mr. K introducing him to his grandparents...
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His First Bath! |
And we were very happy to come home, even if the first few days were a little crazy (more about that later)!!
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Our very jaundice Little Man on the way home! |
Life is still so surreal and running in slow motion for he and I. I suspect that will stop in a few weeks when I go back to work. But until then I am enjoying the slow pace and just getting to know him.
This wasn't much of a two month post...I will do my best to get that up tonight along with a few other things I have been working on!